Game Development​

Bid Auction Game Development​ is a game that predicts the winner in a car auction as it moves through multiple rounds of bidding.


  1. Developed a WordPress plugin with CSS, PHP, MySQL, jQuery. We have created 4*4, 8*8, 16*16, 32*32 slots. Plugin has an option to configure tournament start date and end date via backend. Once the tournament is created then the user can configure the team name, Round start date, end date, team logo etc in the backend.
  2. Once a Round starts, registered users will start to vote in the first round. Non registered users will be redirected to a registration page and encouraged to register before participating in the tournament. Users can change their votes till a round is closed. At the end of the round, the team with the maximum votes moves to the next round.
  3. Whoever predicts the correct team in each round is the winner of the tournament.
  4. Top 3 winners will be displayed once the tournament closes. An Auto generated email is sent to all users who participate in the tournament.