LARAVEL Features
What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework. it is an easy-to-use web framework that will help you create extensible PHP-based websites and web applications at scale.

Features of Laravel
1. The Innovative Template Engine

Laravel framework is highly recognized for its built-in lightweight templates, which come in use to build excellent layouts with dynamic content seeding. It further provides several essential widgets integrating CSS and JS code with the use of robust structures. Laravel templates are smartly designed to develop straightforward as well as composite layouts with sections that ease the efforts of a developer.

2. MVC Architecture Support through Built-In Functions

Laravel backs the MVC architecture pattern, which makes sure to separate the important business logic and significant presentation layers. MVC pattern of Laravel has multiple built-in functions, enhances application performance, and boosts the levels of security along with scalability for developers.

3. Authorization Technique for Coding

The authorization and authentication part is the most important feature when anyone produces code to build an application. It also evaluates the time any programmer will take to build something new. The framework even has the logical technique that assists in reforming authorization logic and controls admittance to different resources.

Having the validation computer code that is integrated into Laravel, the amount of coding time has been trimmed down to an effective extent. Application reasoning feature provides flexibility and liberty to the coders to work flexibly on all sizes of software.

4. Eloquent Object Relational Mapping and Implementation

Laravel provides Eloquent Object Relational Mapping (ORM), which incorporates an uncomplicated PHP Active Record implementation. The functionality helps in enabling web application developers to write database queries using PHP syntax instead of writing SQL code. ORM is comparatively quicker than former PHP frameworks.

5. Strong Application Security

The security functions are one of the best Laravel features. Laravel framework provides advanced and strong web application security enabling the developers. Laravel security features effectively utilize hashed as well as salted password mechanism so the password would not be saved in the form of plain text into the user database.

It also applies the “Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm” for creating an encrypted password. Besides, this PHP web development framework utilizes SQL statements that safeguard SQL injection attacks.

6. Artisan Tool for Automating Programming Tasks

Laravel framework provides a built-in command-line tool known as Artisan, which assists in automating the tedious and repetitive programming tasks. The artisan tool also comes in use to build the database structure and skeleton code. It is further applied to handle migration jobs, so it is quite simple to manage diverse database systems.

Further, it can generate original MVC files through the command-line and deal with those assets with their configurations. Artisan even assists developers to generate their commands and utilize them as needed.

7. Enable Libraries and Modular Functionalities

Laravel facilitates developers through pre-installed Object-Oriented and Modular libraries, which are not accessible in a lot of other PHP frameworks. For instance, the Authentication library is quite simple in implementation and has multiple functions.

These functions include checking active users, password reset, Bcrypt hashing, CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) protection as well as encryption. Furthermore, this framework is separated into individual units adopting advanced PHP principles enabling responsive as well as modular web app development

8. Facilitate Database Migration System through PHP Code

Laravel migration system assists in expanding the web application database structure exclusive of re-creating each time when there is an alteration in the code. Due to this feature, the risk involved in losing data is extremely reduced.

The feature not only provides the facility to alter the overall database structure; however, it even assists in doing the same utilizing PHP code rather than SQL. Furthermore, Laravel Schema Builder assists developers in generating database tables and inserts indices with required columns at the appointed time.

9. Competitive and Effortless Unit Testing

Laravel is an ideal framework for web application developers as it effectively and easily facilitates unit testing features. This framework is competent in running numerous unit tests to make sure that new alterations executed by the programmer do not happen without warning break the in-hand web application. In an ideal space, Laravel based web applications are accomplished of steady releases as it is alert of the identified failures. It also makes the scenario effortless for the developers to write unit tests.

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